“We’re here because of our seeds.
If we lose our seeds,
we lose our future.”
– Rony Lec


To ensure food sovereignty, we must first look to the Earth’s greatest gift of all: its seeds. Farmers all over the world have been selecting, saving and reusing their seeds for millions of years – but this basic practice, along with the knowledge that supports it, is now under threat.

Seeds, and the understanding of how to grow them, are crucial for the conservation of agricultural biodiversity. The resilience of our food systems depends on them. But when seeds are patented by a corporation, farmers are stripped of their right to save and exchange seeds.


This tight control of the seed industry has led to declining rates of seed saving and a staggering decrease in seed diversity.

Today, approximately two-thirds of our daily food consumption comes from only three crops: wheat, rice and corn. So why, you may be wondering, is seed diversity so important? As any foodie will tell you, biting into a Black Krim tomato is a completely different experience when compared to a Roma tomato. And over the years, crops have become adapted to their own micro climates, as a result of years of natural selection and farmer after farmer learning through trial and error.


Alongside the commercialization of seeds, climate change is impacting our food systems like never before. Water is become scarce, weather patterns that farmers have come to know are becoming unpredictable. New and more virulent pests and diseases are showing up, and natural disasters are leading to an increase in crop failures across the globe.


What is needed is a return to basics – an approach that recognizes the intersection between new and ancient knowledge as something integrative and inclusive. One that views seeds not as a money-making business, but as the key to our collective future well-being.

ECOSOL works hand in hand with individuals and communities to address issues related to seed and food sovereignty.

We recognize that farmers are local experts, and foster their empowerment through initiatives that use a farmer-to-farmer approach. We help ensure food and seed sovereignty by increasing the availability, exchange, production and use of native and heritage seeds and crops across the Americas.

We believe that every seed has a story to tell, and a vital role to play in the larger story of humanity.


Support existing projects led and run by marginalized communities in a way that is beneficial to the environment, the culture, and the people.

ECOSOL offers multi-day and multi-week programs designed to support community-led initiatives that conserve biodiversity, preserve ancestral knowledge, and strengthen understanding between people across the Americas.