ECOSOL has partnered with the Instituto Mesoamericano de Permacultura (IMAP) to offer comprehensive learning and mentorship opportunities for interns to gain skills and knowledge at the first permaculture institute ever founded in Guatemala.

About IMAP

The Instituto Mesoamericano de Permacultura was founded in 2000 by a group of Maya Kakchiquel concerned by the serious environmental, social and cultural problems affecting Guatemala. Combining ancient knowledge and permaculture education, IMAP develops the practical skills and awareness needed to ensure food sovereignty, community development and the preservation of biodiversity. 

Through its programs, over 10,000 smallholder farmers have learned to grow food in poor quality plots using permaculture practices and climate-hearty native seeds. IMAP implements a collaborative model whereby Guatemala’s most marginalized people – Indigenous men and women – are the owners of their own seed production as well as their own livelihoods.

Internship Details

Duration: 1 month minimum

Schedule: 40 hours/week

Housing: Dorm-style accommodations at the Insituto Mesoamericano de Permacultura

Compensation: Unpaid volunteer

For internship fee and more details, contact: [email protected]


What You’ll Do

 Daily on-farm activities
Experience the sociopolitical reality of Mesoamerica
Learn permaculture basics
Create a work plan tailored to your skills & interests
Soil fertility management
Irrigation, planting, harvesting
Work in the seed bank
Option to do fundraising & marketing
Engage in local community projects